
Chokchai Netngamsawang
Office of the Attorney General
Public Prosecutor attached to the Office of the Attorney General
Chokchai holds a position as a Public Prosecutor attached to the Office of the Attorney General based in Bangkok, Thailand. Apart from his tasks at the prosecutor’s office, he also showed successful pathways in the construction law industry, as he co-founded the Construction Lawyers Society. He has published many books and articles in many disciplines. The standard contracts and knowledge of the Construction Lawyer Society were also well noticed. He occasionally lectures about digital assets, construction, contract law, and dispute resolution law at prestigious institutions like Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, and the Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage.
Regarding voluntary services, he significantly contributed to the education and awareness rising through the YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative) and AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economics and Commercial Sciences) programs. He is a Young ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) member.
He had experience with law, society, and management from his working experience and courses such as the Medical Legal Specialists, Metropolis Executive Program, and a training course on the prosecution and litigation of money laundering cases. He has also been listed on the 2023 Future List 100 by Koktail Magazine.