
Dev Mohnani
Amrapur Tailors
Amrapur Tailors, a Bespoke Custom Tailor, since the 1960s from back during the Vietnam War. Our team were the first Military Tailors from Kadena Air Force Base (Okinawa, Japan) & currently the bespoke tailors located in JusmagThai, Bangkok. At Amrapur Tailors we offer you 60+ years of experience with the finest quality of hand crafted garments for men & women serving former presidents, Congressmen, ambassadors, generals, diplomats, executives, military professionals, business leaders and many more including secret service agents. Proudly working with Cobra Gold (largest military exercise in Thailand) for the past 35+ years.
Read about our History:
Amrapur family’s legacy began in mid 1950s during the Vietnam War where Sam’s father, John Amrapur, started sewing military BDU (camouflage/combat uniforms) for the US Armed Forces & Australian Armed Forces. John Amrapur previously had stores in Utapao & the Royal Thai Air Force base in Takhli, Thailand. Because of our renowned bespoke work among solders, John was given 3 concession shops by the NCO club (Non-Commissioned Officers Club) in Thailand. As they say, we became very popular amongst the military. Right after the Vietnam War ended; one of our respected clients from the US Air Force Special Operations, who also was an US Air Force General, requested us to be on the JUSMAG compound to tailor everyone’s clothes.