
Jean-Paul Lespagnard
Though belgian by birth and creative education, it would be reductive to confine Jean-Paul Lespagnard to one single nation.
Since his kick off awards at the international fashion festival of Hyeres in 2008, Jean-Paul presented his FASHION collections in Paris official calendar while working in a mix media universe where clothing, object and INTERIOR DESIGN go hand-in-hand.
Thanks to his multiple projects, Jean-Paul have the great chance to visit different continents and work in prestigious places of creation. His interest in local cultures and know-how leads him to discover new neigbourhoods, markets, crafters and producers.
It is in this discovery process, in inter-cultural and social exchange and in the mix of different mediums that the basis of its creation finds its sources and its resources.
In 2017, right after the opening of his monographic exhibition at brussels fashion museum, Jean-Paul wrote a manifesto about the evolution of craft and daily savoir-faire in the contemporary world. This statement led to the opening of the extra-ordinaire store, mixing his fashion and OBJECT DESIGN in the heart of brussels downtown.
Since 2017, Jean-Paul has gradually evolved into nomadism. He has reduced his living space and left his creative studio for a temporary building with the ambition of releasing a large part of his archives and settle in a more human scaled environment. Brussels, capital of europe remains the center of creation by Jean-Paul Lespagnard.
Fascinated by contemporary performance art, he is also a long term COSTUMES collaborator of renowned choreographers such as Damien Jalet, Boris Charmatz or Meg Stuart to name a few.
Jean-Paul is currently working on a new project called EXTRA LUGGAGE. A physical box that will present his multi-creative life via a documentary series and a nomadic fashion boutique.
There are no defined boundaries of any sort for COLLABORATIONS in Jean-Paul work ethic.
Welcome to Jean-Paul Lespagnard world.